iCONECT is Target Litigation’s newest review option.  We’re always evaluating the market for tools that can improve the document review experience for our clients.

iCONECT has been a cloud-based review tool since 1999. In recent years, the platform has seen significant enhancements. It offers many powerful features included in the monthly hosting fee plus there are no monthly user licenses. Clients appreciate:

  • A Document Viewer that supports over 800 file types including engineering drawings, audio and video.
  • Analytics that include email threading, near-de-duplication and conceptual searching
  • Technology Assisted Review with Continuous Active Learning.
  • A module that identifies and automatically redacts Personally Identifiable Information
  • Support for tablets and mobile devices

It is both powerful and easy to use. Contact us to discuss a project or see a demo.

The trial in the case came to a close Friday, and your efforts were integral in helping us get there. Over the last two years you’ve each been of invaluable assistance to our effort.  You were there when we needed help. You provided creative options when we weren’t sure of technical solutions….. You shouldered extra work when necessary to help us make deadlines. You’ve been unfailingly positive and supportive even when we were working on difficult parts of the case or had difficult work projects…. Target really partnered with us for this matter

eDiscovery Counsel, Government Entity


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